All posts tagged: aircraft crash landing tips

life saving tips for aircraft crash landings

12 important life saving – aircraft crash landing tips

There are lot of people who will never be ready to travel in an Aeroplane because of the fear that it can crash. Have you ever heard this when you are planning to take your parents in the flight for first time ? The recent plane crashes made people even more afraid of taking air travel. Planes do crash, though it is rather rare these days. Usually the crash can happen due to the error made by the pilot or the malfunction of any of the engine. No point in blaming anyone once it happened. We can’t avoid the situation but can handle it wisely. Here are some of the tips which I think will be useful during air travels. Kindly share this aircraft crash landing tips to your friends as well. Listen everything carefully Listen carefully regarding the safety announcements made before every take off. Safety cards and information will also be provided in front of each seats. Make sure to read everything carefully. I have seen people are not at all giving importance …