All posts tagged: tibetan prayer flags


Things You Should Know About Tibetan Prayer Flags

Nowadays I am seeing people are hanging some decoration on their bike’s handle especially on bikes which used for leh ladakh trips. I was in search of more details about this hanging decoration. When I have seen this for the very first time, like everyone, I also thought these are just pieces of clothes with some words on it. Later I came to know, It is nothing but the Tibetan Prayer Flags. The sad part of hanging this flags on bike is, most of the people really don’t know the real purpose of having it on their bike. Those prayer flags you’ve hung on your bike are not just some fancy accessory. Everything right from the color to the words on the flags has a deeper meaning. A prayer flag is a colorful rectangular cloth, often found strung along mountain ridges and peaks high in the Himalayas. They are used to bless the surrounding countryside and for other purposes. Prayer flags essentially carry our prayers via the wind to get them answered. The objective of …