Categories: Travel News

New generation spend very less time outside than prison inmates

A video showing that Children is spending very less time outside than prison inmates has been recently uploaded in the youtube. The study was conducted by Uniliver for its movement Dirtisgood.

The video shows the comments made by the prison inmates of the US. In the United States, Prison inmates are guaranteed two hours of outdoor time daily, whereas one in two children is outside for less than an hour. A recent survey of 12,000 parents in 10 countries, who have children aged five to 12, found that one-third of kids spend under 30 minutes outside each day.

This is certainly a disturbing factor which will affect the future generation to come. Even when more and more people are going out of their conventional routines and exploring the world out of their box, the upcoming generation spending more time inside the 4 walls is a matter of concern.

“Travel, in the younger sort, is a part of education; in the elder, a part of experience.” – Francis Bacon

To experience more, we need to have good education as well. Travelling adds to that. The new survey is reiterating whats is being heard from many sources that children are spending more hours in the televisions, games and other indoor activities. In fact their mind is getting dirty without knowing what is happening around them, what is it to deal with nature, what is available for them outside in this vast world.

Dirtisgood campaign focuses on this mission- To give children the freedom to get outdoors: to play and learn, and get dirty, too – because by doing so children learn essential skills. Things like curiosity, resilience, inventiveness, independence and bravery – all critical for the future.

This is indeed a great initiative by the Uniliver organization which brings about more attention to the fact of a disturbing future we might be heading to.